Darroth (Lightbrand) [NG]
A living legend prior to his ascension, Darroth is an inspiration to guards and warriors across the world. As the youngest demigod, much of the legend surrounding the Lightbrand is not myth, but recorded history, telling of his deeds in defending the settlements of Ameron against the vile undead hordes of Ragym. After a great many years of tireless service, Darroth received the ultimate reward: a blessing by his god, Amnerath, that raised him to the status of demigod. Having already inspired a new generation of protectors, he was able to grant these newfound followers great boons to follow in his footsteps. Yet even with his hard work done, Darroth was loath to leave his old ways behind. Every once in a while, when disaster strikes a remote town, the Lightbrand will appear basked in a glorious white glow, ready to pledge his sword against the darkness.
Alignment NG
Edicts defend settlements, spread civilisation, oppose servants of Ragym
Anathema raise undead, embrace darkness, creep in shadow
Areas of Concern bravery, defense, judgment, and light
Follower Alignments LG, NG, CG, N
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability Strength or Constitution
Divine Font heal
Divine Skill Athletics
Favored Weapon scimitar
Domains cities, death, might, protection, sun, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: draw ire, 3rd: bracing tendrils, 4th: cloak of light