
Name Category Alignment Follower Alignment Divine Font Domain Skill Favored Weapon
Amnerath (Guardian of Hope) Gods LG LG, NG, LN Heal Confidence, Dust, Duty, Earth, Might, Protection, Truth Diplomacy Longsword
Berein (Keeper of Knowledge) Gods LN LG, LN, N, LE Harm or Heal Knowledge, Perfection, Vigil, Water Society Staff
Elvanna (The Free Wind) Gods CN CG, N, CN, CE Heal Air, Change, Freedom, Luck, Nature, Travel Acrobatics Longbow
Gaul (The Felldragon) Gods LE LE, NE Harm Destruction, Nightmares, Pain, Tyranny, Wyrmkin Intimidation Jaws or Maul
Ilyra (The Frostmother) Gods N NG, LN, N, CN, NE Harm or Heal Cold, Family, Healing, Magic, Repose, Sorrow Arcana Longspear
Kyr (Shaper of the Realm) Gods N NG, LN, N, CN, NE Harm or Heal Ambition, Creation, Knowledge, Lightning, Toil, Wealth Crafting Crossbow
Mazh'tun (Lord of the Inferno) Gods CE CN, NE, CE Harm Ambition, Confidence, Destruction, Fire, Might, Tyranny, Zeal Athletics Greataxe
Alria (Lady of Shadow) Demigods N NG, LN, N, CN, NE Harm or Heal Darkness, Glyph, Knowledge, Secrecy, Truth, Vigil Stealth Sickle
Darroth (Lightbrand) Demigods NG LG, NG, CG, N Heal Cities, Death, Might, Protection, Sun, Zeal Athletics Scimitar
Elsora (Child of the Stars) Demigods CN CG, N, CN, CE Heal Moon, Star, Travel, Void Survival Chakram
The Filthbearer Demigods NE LE, NE, CE Harm Darkness, Decay, Indulgence, Plague, Swarm, Trickery Thievery Dagger
Myrh'tia (Death's Kiss) Demigods NE LE, NE, CE Harm Delirium, Pain, Passion, Trickery Deception Scourge
Ozzel (Seer of the Veil) Demigods N NG, LN, N, CN, CE Harm or Heal Dreams, Fate, Soul, Time, Void Occultism Light Mace
Ragym (The Charnel Lord) Demigods N NG, LN, N, CN, NE Harm Cities, Decay, Dust, Undeath Occultism Scythe