The Filthbearer [NE]
The title of Filthbearer carries much weight to the citizens of Malgion. To the warriors of Mazh'tun, it represents the height of scum and treachery: to utter the name in anything but contempt is a blasphemy. To the Filthbearer's putrid legion, however, it represents greed, indulgence, and selfishness to the highest degree, all of which these rotten folk revel in. None know how the Filthbearer, once a simple ratfolk of the sewer, managed to obtain a fragment of the Lord of the Inferno's power, but many suspect a great trickery: a deception the likes of which will never be matched again.
Alignment NE
Edicts spread misery, live in filth, achieve goals through trickery
Anathema act selflessly, refuse payment, control a plague
Areas of Concern deceit, disease, greed, and vermin
Follower Alignments LE, NE, CE
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability Dexterity or Wisdom
Divine Font harm
Divine Skill Thievery
Favored Weapon dagger
Domains darkness, decay, indulgence, plague, swarm, trickery
Cleric Spells 1st: goblin pox, 2nd: vomit swarm, 5th: cloudkill