Mazh'tun (Lord of the Inferno) [CE]To Mazh'tun and his followers, strength is the only measure of worth. The strong should rule with an iron fist, and the weak should fall in line. In the harsh power structures of the warrior-tribes that revere Mazh'tun, truly fearsome leaders are born, rising to the top through might and bloodshed. This tyrannical culture has had an incredible impact on Vykria: legend tells that two nations once populated the continent of Malgion, one nation under Kyr, and one under Mazh'tun. Centuries of conquest under the fiery banner of Mazh'tun concluded in absolute victory over the land, leaving Kyr's people without a home, and it seemed the whole world was next for invasion. Only the fragmenting of the Lord's power by the treacherous Filthbearer and the loathsome Gaul could halt this era of supreme conquest, but his faithful still prepare for a second great age of expansion. Alignment CE Devotee BenefitsDivine Ability Strength or Constitution |