Myrh'tia (Death's Kiss) [NE]
Myrh'tia is the daughter of Mazh'tun, but little love is shared between the two. Where Mazh'tun faces challenges head-on, Myrh'tia prefers to bide her time, pulling strings under the surface while seeming to lift nary a finger. To scheme in silence and play the dark game of politics, to cut the head off the snake and destroy cities from the inside: that is the way of the Death's Kiss. The sinister truth of her followers' schemes is hidden underneath a front of innocent mischief and shameless debauchery, though these sins are savoured all the same.
Alignment NE
Edicts make mischief, act underhandedly, embrace passion
Anathema deny your passions, reveal your schemes, denounce substances
Areas of Concern corruption, deception, lust, and manipulation
Follower Alignments LE, NE, CE
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability Intelligence or Charisma
Divine Font harm
Divine Skill Deception
Favored Weapon scourge
Domains delirium, pain, passion, trickery
Cleric Spells 1st: charm, 4th: glibness, 5th: subconscious suggestion