Ozzel (Seer of the Veil) [N]
Something lies in the great beyond, through the thick veil that encompasses the whole world: so proclaim the followers of Ozzel, the greatest disciple of Berein. Though the veil has never been pierced, Ozzel's dreamers speak of visions seen in the night: some tell of whimsical landscapes and better worlds, while others shudder in fear describing the most terrible of horrors. These vivid dreams also portend events soon to pass with harrowing accuracy, as if the future itself were being lived in that deep slumber. To ignore the visions of Ozzel's worshippers is foolish, and his greatest seers are employed by kings, lords, and tacticians to provide guidance and counsel.
Alignment N
Edicts interpret dreams, divine fates, rest often
Anathema interrupt sleep, ignore seers or fortune tellers, overwork without rest
Areas of Concern dreams, portents, sleep, and time
Follower Alignments NG, LN, N, CN, NE
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability Wisdom or Charisma
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Skill Occultism
Favored Weapon light mace
Domains dreams, fate, soul, time, void
Cleric Spells 1st: anticipate peril, 3rd: sea of thought, 4th: blink